3 Samples of good writing


1.This article talks about the author’s views on stereotypes after actually living in Asia.
NIHAO’S IT GOING — Are They Easy? A Stupid Question Asked About Asian Women

2.This article introduces tourism in Vienna, with clear pictures and travel information required by audience.
Tricky Taipei — The Tricky Guide to Vienna

3.This article is the first exhibition to introduce the author, with a lot of photos and journey.
NAOMI — Fashion Creators EXPO 2019

How about BAD writings?
Examples of bad writing — Have you ever been in a street fight?
Here’s the original content :
After a read-through of my latest draft of my first novel, one reader noted that they loved the fight scenes. There are three different scenes where a character is in a fight. One fight is not meant to be life-or-death and the other two are real struggles to survive. Like I said, this is my first book. I’ve been working on it in between screenplays for about ten years. To hear that a scene elicited tears from a reader felt like the biggest success in my entire career as a nobody writer. To hear that it was the scene that came most from my own personal experience was the eye-opener.
Here’s the correction content :
I’ve been working on it between screenplays for about ten years. But I still remember my first book. There are three different scenes where a character is in a fight. One fight is not meant to be life-or-death and the other two are real struggles to survive. After a read-through of my latest draft of my first novel, one of the readers noted that they loved the fight scenes. To hear that elicited tears from a reader, felt like the biggest success in my entire career as a writer. To hear that it was the scene that came from my own experience was the eye-opener.

3 Samples of good writing 有 “ 2 則迴響 ”
